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Join us for another weekly demonstration in front of Uppsala Central Station to show solidarity and support for the people of Palestine. The genocide hasn’t stopped and neither will we!

– News from AFPU
– News from Palestine
– 10 minute silent name read
– Poem
– Chants

Just like last week – bring your friends, family and acquaintances. The fight for a free Palestine continues🇵🇸


MSFP statement –
Meeting with Malmö University Vice-Chancellor regarding pro-Palestinian student protests.

Malmö University… We appreciate the start of dialogue, now we await concrete actions.



Thank you Shahram Khosravi @an_accidental_professor for this beautiful piece on how the student encampments actually practice what their universities preach in theory; how their actions strengthen the academic freedom – something that Stockholm university at least claim to be one of its pillars.

What Do We Owe Students       


How beautiful is the Niagara building? ❤️‍🔥🇵🇸

Med anledning av de senaste artiklarna där media försöker demonisera antifolkmordsdemonstranter som visade sitt missnöje under Ebba Busch tal i Almedalen;


A significant, and continuously increasing number of the employees at Stockholm University have endorsed our cause and our demands. While the encampment have packed up for this semester, we are very happy to see that the values of equality, justice and peace still are present around Frescati. Thank you for your solidarity!


The genocide hasn’t stopped and neither will we. Join us in front of Uppsala Central Station for a demonstration to pay our respects to the martyrs of the genocide, and to the survivors still suffering under the Israeli occupation’s agression.

– News from AFPU
– News from Palestine
– 10 minute silent name read
– Poem
– Chants

Bring your friends, family and acquaintances – the fight continues, and it is more important now than ever that everyone joins the effort for a free Palestine🇵🇸


A week ago Fria Palestinas Plats packed up for this time, but we did not go silently into the night.

Poem: @niko.erfani
Video: @chris_kebbon and @nayefghoul
Voice recording: @nayefghoul

Nu i helgen arrangeras Malmö Handgun Championship i Malmö, ett SM i alla pistoldivisioner. Det svenska företaget Aimpoint, som säljer vapensikten till Israel, sponsrar tävlingen.

Aimpoints sikten är så kallade rödpunktssikten som tagits fram för användning inom jakt och sportskytte. Men idag produceras och exporteras de också för att användas militärt. Trots det klassas de inte som krigsmateriel och kontrolleras därför inte.

Israel utreds just nu av den Internationella domstolen (ICJ) för folkmord. Aimpoints sikten sitter på vapen hos israeliska soldater som strider i Gaza.

Vi uppmanar nu arrangören av mässan att avbryta samarbetet med Aimpoint, ett bolag som tjänar pengar på krigsförbrytelser mot civila.

Du kan påverka. Skriv till Malmö Skyttegille och kräv att de slutar samarbeta med Aimpoint. Adress och mailförslag finns i vår linktree.


Stöd studenterna!❤️🇵🇸 Kampen fortsätter!❤️