After the police assault on the KTH students on Wednesday, the number of security guards has increased significantly, just as promised by the head of security.
More dogs, more Security guards. More harassment and more police calls from the guards.
These are two of the many cases filmed:
1. Guard dogs are brought into the camp at 2 a.m. a few days after students were attacked by police-dogs, under the excuse that they need “training”. They bark wildly around tents and students, scare several students and are used to search the building.
2. The conversation after a security guard called the police on two students who now refuse to show their IDs to the guards. In the conversation, it is confirmed that the security personnel recognizes one of the students, who has shown him his ID on a previous occasion. And it is therefor made unclear why there was a need to insist on seeing it again to the point of calling cops, if the reason is to make sure that he is a kth student
How is this increasing the safety of students @kthuniversity? Why, as our student union, have you not as much as reached out to us after the violence that the police inflicted on us @thskth?