Open letter by Lund University Alumni
“We, the undersigned Alumni of Lund University, strongly condemn the use of police violence and the forceful eviction of the peaceful student protest at the Palestinagård camp. The camp was more than a site of peaceful protests – it was a place where students self-organized lectures, movie screenings, shared food, and collective resources such as a library. In short, it was a place of learning that advocated for the “respect for the equal value of all human beings,” one of Lund University’s explicit core values”.
“We hold the university management responsible for exposing their own students to police violence. The university produced this situation by refusing to communicate in good faith with the students and closing down communication channels. It was by the University’s decision that the camp was cleared. While this was supposedly done due to the doctoral conferment ceremony happening the next day, the university management could have worked with the camp to find a solution: they elected not to do so. The university management could have intervened at any time to protect the safety of its students. Instead, it stood by in implicit support of the police violence that unfolded in the center of its campus.”
“As former students of Lund University, we cannot stand quietly by as the university acts with such blatant disregard for the safety of its current students.”
Signed by 124 Lund University Alumni.
31 May 2024
@lunduniversity @lundsuniversitet