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Today marks 4 weeks of Free University of Gaza Campus Uppsala ❤️🍉🇵🇸


Join us at 17.00 for a teach-out with @ismsweden !

All events are held at our encampment in Borggården, KTH Campus. We welcome everyone but ask that you respect our community guidelines.

Hope to see you tomorrow! 🍉

Member of Parliament for the Left Party @lorena_dv just signed a formal complaint of the minister of education Mats Persson for committing ministerial authority over Swedish institutions for higher learning. Mats, you just got served!

ENCAMPMENT SU DAY 28: Today, marking four weeks of pressuring the SU administration with our disrupting presence, we decided to go on a little field trip. Courted by police officers we headed for the newly built part of campus, Albano. We loudly reminded students and faculty members there about the atrocities being ignored by the Stockholm university administration. There will be no peace without justice.

Palestinagård was established as a collective student protest in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who are enduring an ongoing genocide and decades-long illegal military occupation by the Zionist settler colonial state.

We cannot stand idly by as students committed to justice, equality, and the protection of human rights. It is our duty to speak out against such atrocities and advocate for those who are suffering.

Lund University has a responsibility to uphold the values it claims to stand by: “freedom of opinion, respect for everyone’s equal value, human rights, and freedoms.” It cannot genuinely do so while maintaining ties with companies and Israeli institutions that benefit from and are complicit in the illegal occupation and genocide of Palestinians.

Lund University must end all forms of complicity with the Zionist settler state immediately. Silence is no longer an option. As all universities in Gaza have been bombed and the education system have been destroyed by Israel, Lund University must also commit to financially, politically and academically support Palestinian education system, students, researchers and teachers.

Even though the tents of Palestinagård are gone, we will continue to use our voices and actions to strive for a world – or at least a university – where illegal occupation and genocide are not tolerated.

Welcome to Lund University, where they fund genocide and faculty assault students. 🇵🇸

FYI: The person in the suit is Sanimir Resic, a Dean (Dekanus) at Lund University.

After almost a month of being ignored by the university board regarding their demands to divest from Israel, students chose to interrupt a diploma ceremony today at Lund University, where the dean Erik Renström was present. Instead of hearing the students out, Erik went into hiding, called the police, and faculty members physically assaulted the students.


Välkommen till Lunds universitet, där de finansierar folkmord och fakultets attackerar studenter. 🇵🇸

FYI: Personen i kostymen är Sanimir Resic, en Dekanus vid Lunds universitet.

Efter nästan en månad av att ha ignorerats av universitetsstyrelsen angående deras krav på avyttring från Israel valde studenterna att idag avbryta en diplomceremoni vid Lunds universitet, där Rektorn Erik Renström var på plats. Istället för att lyssna på eleverna gömde Erik sig, ringde polisen och fakultet attackerar studenter.

Erik Renström ignoring the students protest while having diploma ceremony and enjoying his day 🇵🇸

“Students’ freedom of expression is fundamental and must be respected, including the right to demonstrate in public spaces, even when other events are taking place nearby.”

“It is unworthy of a democratic society and a tradition of academic freedom to remove certain opinions and people from the public space.”

“We are critical of the fact that the university has chosen to call in the police and escalate the situation, instead of holding a constructive dialogue with the students in Lundagård about how the graduation could be carried out.”

“We wish that our day of celebration had not been tarnished by Lund University’s behaviour towards its students and will work to ensure that the academic future we represent promotes freedom of expression and democratic dialogue.”

Written by fifteen recent PhD graduates at Lund University and participants in the doctoral degree conferment ceremony held on 31 May 2024. The ceremony was used as a pretext by the university administration to call the police to raid the student encampment Palestinagård after refusing to engage in meaningful dialogue with their students.

Published in Sydsvenskan on 31 May 2024.

School might be out – but we are still here making ourselves heard. Show your support and join us at the walkout Tuesday June 11th 13:30 outside the A house.