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Thank you to the people who keep donating food to us! We are endlessly greatful. 💚

ENCAMPMENT SU DAY 24: June 6th, Sweden’s national day, a holiday celebrating nationalism and borders that divide and distance human beings from from another. Invisible walls becoming more and more tangible, shutting people out, shutting people off, annihilating empathy for people who do not look like us or have the same ways of living. Differentiating between people and people.

Just like Astrid Söderbergh Widding, the president of Stockholm University does – deeming European white lives worth defending, but not wielding the same power to defend the brown lives being slaughtered in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

This is what nationalism does to humanity. But we refuse to accept that. We refuse to be divided by invisible lines and false ideologies. We stand together, celebrating our differences – united in our shared humanity and commitment to justice for all. 🇵🇸

KTH’s administration recently posted a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about our protests. This is the second part of our miniseries addressing some of their responses.

KTH should not be an instrument for the current minister of education’s agenda!

The infringement of the autonomous governance of these institutions is not only a threat to us students, teachers, and staff but also to a fundamental pillar of a free and democratic society.

ENCAMPMENT SU DAY 24: June 6th, Sweden’s national day, a holiday celebrating nationalism and borders that divide and distance human beings from from another. Invisible walls becoming more and more tangible, shutting people out, shutting people off, annihilating empathy for people who do not look like us or have the same ways of living. Differentiating between people and people.

Just like Astrid Söderbergh Widding, the president of Stockholm University does – deeming European white lives worth defending, but not wielding the same power to defend the brown lives being slaughtered in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

This is what nationalism does to humanity.

Beautiful moments of solidarity between the newly graduated doctors and the student protestors of Lund University, one day after the university administration called the police to raid the student protest encampment at Palestinagård under the pretext of the doctoral degree conferment ceremony. This occurred despite several PhD students and councils within the doctoral student union expressing support for the students’ right to peaceful protest and opposing their forced removal.

Congratulations to our graduating doctors ♥️

Captured by the talented @philippmontenegro


One of the most beautiful features of our camp – protest art! ❤️🇵🇸🍉

KTH’s administration recently posted a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about our protests. This is the first part of our miniseries addressing some of their responses.

Claiming that the difference in response between Ukraine and Palestine, is due to the administration following the government’s foreign policy raises questions about KTH’s transparency and communication with current government politicians. KTH strongly took a stance against collaborating with Russia before the government imposed sanctions.

Claiming to be apolitical when criticized for their political actions raises questions about the administration’s comprehension of the power they wield and the responsibility they’ve taken on.

Tel Aviv University och Weizmann Institute bör inte vara välkomna vid akademiska evenemang!

Den 13-14 juni arrangerar @stockholmuniversity tillsammans med Oskar Klein Centre och Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin en symposium om den snabba utvecklingen av storskaliga undersökningar inom tidsdomän-astronomi. Bland de inbjudna gästerna finns representanter från Tel Aviv University och Weizmann Institute. Dessa institutioner, trots sitt akademiska anseende, har en väl dokumenterad historia av att samarbeta med de israeliska ockupationsstyrkorna och säkerhetssektorn.

Detta väcker allvarliga etiska och moraliska frågor som inte kan ignoreras!


We graduate in solidarity with Palestine 💚