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ENCAMPMENT SU DAY 23: Today we marched our way to the Stockholm University law department Juridicum to remind them who they are collaborating with – a genocidal occupying power. To most reasonable people this would be morally reprehensible, but somehow the conscience of Stockholm University nor Juridicum did not get the memo. Even our furry friends know better than that, and stand with the Palestinian people and their struggle for freedom, justice and dignity ✊🍉🇵🇸

When Stockholm university won’t listen, we will make them! The more they ignore us, the closer we’ll get…

On the same day that the students’ protest camp in Lundagård was demolished, a tone-deaf blog post by the rector was published. The title “Promotion is more important in times of turmoil” was followed by an attempt to convey the image of a united university. He seemed to want to put an end to a turbulent period that must have taken up a lot of his working time. The truth is that the university is deeply divided and many of us are shaken by the way the university leadership has enabled police violence against our students.
Dissatisfaction exists in all faculties. The doctoral students’ union explicitly asked the rector to prevent the demolition of Palestinagård before the promotion, and several individual researchers and newly graduated doctors, who would have participated in the promotion, did the same. A petition is circulating demanding that Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Lena Eskilsson and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Jimmie Kristensson be held responsible for exposing the students to police violence by refusing to negotiate in good faith and preparing the action together with the police.
In a widely circulated photo from Gaza, we see a small hand with dirt and blood under its nails. A child of perhaps two years old trying to dig himself out of the rubble. The betrayal is inexcusable. To our bright and civic-minded students, we say: thank you for standing up for the most basic human rights when it really matters. We will not forget Palestinagård and the shameful actions of the university. You make us proud. Forgive us for not being able to protect you better.
Written by three Lund University employees who were present on campus on Thursday 30 May 2024 when the police raided Palestinagård.

Published in Sydsvenskan 4 June 2024


We expect Uppsala University to treat the academic institutions in Palestine – with which it will hopefully establish new partnerships – with the utmost seriousness and respect.

We also believe that academic collaboration with Palestinian institutions should be treated with extreme urgency due to the ongoing violence and occupation. We will continue to advocate and urge our university to act transparently and in good faith when responding to potential academic partners in Palestine.

Letter signed by 247 Lund University faculty members and sent to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, Erik Renström, on 4 June 2024!!!

“We hold the University’s management responsible for allowing these events to unfold in such a manner that the students of Lund University were exposed to the kind of violence from the police that no student should experience within university grounds. Minimal flexibility could have allowed for the organisation of the conferment ceremony while avoiding the tragic and shameful events of May 30th. The “encampment or ceremony” was a false dichotomy, and there were many ways to reconcile the University’s tradition with the students’ legal right to protest, had the management been interested in upholding the latter.”


Today marks 3 weeks of encampment. We remain grounded and centered in why we enter this space. All Eyes On Gaza.

Thank you to the generous people who donated the most delicious home cooked lunch! We appreciate you so much!! 💚


Every time the media lies, a neighbourhood in Gaza dies!!

@unt.se do better.

Read the full text in our linktree

Today, July 4,participants of the SU encampment interrupted a hearing with the proposed new president of Stockholm University, Hans Adolfsson.

Exhausted and enraged from EIGHT MONTHS of attempts to dialogue with president Astrid Söderbergh Widding and the university administration, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It is obvious the administration don’t care – not about Palestinian lives, not about academic freedom, and not about their students. They have repeatedly met us with LIES, STALLING, and EXCUSES.

SIXTEEN THOUSAND SLAUGHTERED KIDS. Let that sink in. What research can possibly be worth turning a blind eye to that?

Astrid and SU, we will be back!