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DAY 22 OF SU ENCAMPMENT: Today we were LOUD! 📢

📢 LOUDLY asking Hans Adolfsson, the candidate for next rector at SU, if he intends to stand up for human rights, stand up for our academic comrades in Gaza and make a stand against genocide if he takes over from Astrid.

📢 LOUDLY showing our frustration from yet more empty words of neutrality in his answers, in a sit-in at both Aula Magna and its lobby.

📢 LOUDLY supporting our comrades as they were detained and carried off in police cars, letting the police know what we think of their nation-wide suppression of protests against a genocide!

📢 LOUDLY letting the rest of SU know, in a walk-in, that we’re still here and we will not rest until OUR(!) university cuts all ties with the complicit Israeli academia!

ASTRID –we’re still here!
HANS – we will still be here when you come back!

Email sent by current and former students of Middle Eastern Studies to Administration, Staff, and the Board of the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at LU to express their concern with the current situation on campus.

“On May 30th, just outside of the pro-Palestinian encampment, students were thrown to the ground, brutalized, and choked by police officers. One of our classmates was a direct victim of these attacks and was hospitalised as a result. Witnessing this affects us mentally on many levels: as fellow students and as friends. We are not just outraged at the behaviour of the police, we are anxious, scared, and unsure of what might happen in the future. We feel we cannot safely study in a university that not only does not defend us but calls the police on us when we are trying to exercise our rights to protest.”

@lunduniversity @lundsuniversitet

Autonomy? Academic freedom? Justice? Integrity?

No, this is Stockholm University.

The Israeli occupation forces have demolished our buildings but our universities live on. We reaffirm our collective determination to remain on our land and to resume teaching, study, and research in Gaza, at our own Palestinian universities, at the earliest opportunity.

We call upon our friends and colleagues around the world to resist the ongoing campaign of scholasticide in occupied Palestine, to work alongside us in rebuilding our demolished universities, and to refuse all plans seeking to bypass, erase, or weaken the integrity of our academic institutions.


We issue this call from beneath the bombs of the occupation forces across occupied Gaza, in the refugee camps of Rafah, and from the sites of temporary new exile in Egypt and other host countries. We are disseminating it as the Israeli occupation continues to wage its genocidal campaign against our people daily, in its attempt to eliminate every aspect of our collective and individual life.


The rebuilding of Gaza’s academic institutions is not just a matter of education; it is a testament to our resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to securing a future for generations to come.

The fate of higher education in Gaza belongs to the universities in Gaza, their faculty, staff, and students and to the Palestinian people as a whole. We appreciate the efforts of peoples and citizens around the world to bring an end to this ongoing genocide.

Signed by over 200 Palestinian academics and staff of Gaza universities.

🇵🇸We are all Palestinians🍉We are all human beings🇵🇸The moment you dehumanise your next, you also forfeit your own humanity🍉Hans Adolfsson, on which side of history will you stand?🇵🇸

The Gaza Fountain is found in the center of Borgården at @kthuniversity

Länge leve Palestina, länge leve Gaza

While some of us were participating in the event, others were showing support outside the lecture hall. United we stand, divided we fall.

One member from the lingering audience, had the audacity to claim that we are hurting the Palestinian freedom movement, that we were being counter productive… How is holding people in power accountable being counter productive? People who treat one type of people like they matter, and another as if they do not?

NOT doing what we are doing would be hurting the struggle for freedom, justice and dignity!

The administration at Stockholm University has behaved like real criminals during these last eight months – hiding, ignoring, dodging. Even though they have a legal obligation to answer any question within three working days, they have ghosted our rightful questions over and over and over. They KNOW that what they are doing is WRONG and SHAMEFUL – and we say to that: the best remedy is to atone for yourself and CUT ALL TIES WITH THE GENOCIDAL APARTHEID STAT OF ISRAEL NOW!! NOW!! NOW!!