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A tent camp was set up there one spring day, with students demanding that the university management take a stand in favour of Palestinian academic freedom. But instead of listening to the students, police were sent to arrest them.

On Friday, no trace of the protests will be visible.
Then Lund has its doctoral ceremony.

Where a library just stood, cannons will now be rolled in.

A salute will be fired. And the bombs continue to fall in Gaza.

Elina Pahnke in Sydsvenskan 31 may 2024.

@_teamelina ♥️


Third weekend at camp: art, crafts and tattoos for Palestine🇵🇸


On the 30th of May, one day after the police that @kthuniversity called on their students violently detained more than 20 protesters, the KTH head of security (Christina Boman) stated that ”KTH has also been in contact with the students protesting.”

This is a lie. KTH has not been in contact with ANY student protesters since the 29th. To clarify the nature of contact between us and KTH admin:

They have been clear from day one that they do not see a need of any level of conversation to be had. Ignored emails, failure to uphold promised meetings and failure to adress the questions and arguments presented by us speaks for itself. And the last time we had any direct contact with the head of security was when she failed to provide the material she claimed supported their decision to not allow us to hold walkouts on KTH-grounds. This was in Febuary. KTH academics deserves transparency Christina.


Nadim Haidar will be giving a presentation about the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, better known as BDS – its history and context, theoretical grounding, importance and achievements, and some criticisms. Nadim has been an organizer and activist for many years and has engaged with numerous movements for social justice. His main research interests lie at the intersection of political theory and Middle Eastern history.

June 5 at 16:30-17:30
Malmö University Niagara room C0315
Zoom https://mau-se.zoom.us/j/64881553743

After the police assault on the KTH students on Wednesday, the number of security guards has increased significantly, just as promised by the head of security.

More dogs, more Security guards. More harassment and more police calls from the guards.

These are two of the many cases filmed:

1. Guard dogs are brought into the camp at 2 a.m. a few days after students were attacked by police-dogs, under the excuse that they need “training”. They bark wildly around tents and students, scare several students and are used to search the building.

2. The conversation after a security guard called the police on two students who now refuse to show their IDs to the guards. In the conversation, it is confirmed that the security personnel recognizes one of the students, who has shown him his ID on a previous occasion. And it is therefor made unclear why there was a need to insist on seeing it again to the point of calling cops, if the reason is to make sure that he is a kth student

How is this increasing the safety of students @kthuniversity? Why, as our student union, have you not as much as reached out to us after the violence that the police inflicted on us @thskth?

Today (1/6) the police violently and aggressively arrested a student protestor on the streets of Lund without providing any warnings or legitimate grounds for arrest.

A statement regarding this entire situation will be released soon.

Länge leve elden i hjärtat som du har
den kan dem inte mörda,
Den brinner ännu kvar. 🇵🇸

Länge leve Palestina 🍉