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UmU students stand in solidarity with @lundstudentsforpalestine

The fight continues, until Palestine is free. The students united will never be defeated! 🇵🇸


We must continue raising our voices in opposition to the genocide in Gaza!

Over the past days, the student protesters at KTH and Lund were subject to police brutality for objecting to their university’s complicity in genocide. For this reason we are moving our daily walkout to Stora Torget once again.

The students united will never be defeated! Join us for tomorrow’s walkout!

🇵🇸✊️ Statement in solidarity with Palestinagård, made outside the SU principal’s office earlier today in response to the violent police crackdown of their encampment. But as we all know, the students, united, will never be defeated. So let’s keep on fighting, because we will not stop until our demands are met!


In the last two days, the Swedish police have escalated the violence against the peaceful student protests around Sweden.

Yesterday at KTH, a peaceful protest by students was met by physical violence by the police.

For example, police dogs were let loose on the students. Some who were not masked at all, were arrested for breaking the law against mask-wearing.

They were pushed, they were shoved. It was brutal police violence against peaceful students.

Early this morning, when the students at Lund University were sleeping, the police came in and gave them only 20 minutes to pack up their stuff and leave.

In the last hours, the students have been subjected to brutal police violence in the form of kicks, and batons struck against their heads.

Right now, our friends in Lund are hurt, and ambulance is prevented to arrive due to the police crackdown.

We stand in solidarity with our friends in Lund. We now call on everyone to join the fight against genocide, and against police violence.🇵🇸

(english below)
Börja fredagen med en ljusmanifestation tillsammans med oss! För att minnas alla som blev mördade de senaste månaderna. Vi samlas för att minnas alla barn som förlorat deras liv! Vi samlas för att minnas alla elever som inte har kunnat göra klart sina studier! Vi samlas för att visa vårat stöd till alla som förlorat en anhörig! Vi samlas vid fontänen utanför Universum för att tända ljus och stå en stund tillsammans.

— english —
Start your Friday morning with a candle manifestation with us! To remember all the people who have been murdered the past months. We gather to remember the children who have lost their lives. we gather to remember all students who cannot finish their studies! We gather to show our support to everyone who has lost someone!
We gather at the fountain outside Universum to light candles and stand together for a moment.

A message from KTH Encampment to our friends in, the now dismantled, Camp Palestinagård in Lund!

Thank you for fighting the good fight!

The fight is not over! We will continue till all demands are met! The students united, will never be defeated!❤️

Detta är vad vår skatt finansierar. Poliser som misshandlar ungdomar som demonstrerar mot att Sverige stöttar ett pågående folkmord. Ett Sverige som vägrar ta sitt ansvar. Även om regeringen, media, meta gör allt för att städa undan efter Israels terror så har folk börjat förstå. Folk har tack vare dessa hjältar börjat förstå. The people united will never be defeated.✊🏽 🎥 @abdelghaanii

ENCAMPMENT SU DAY 17: Today we had barely recuperated from yesterday’s abominable police actions against us and our comrades at KTH, to wake up to the horrible news of the encampment Palestinagård at Lund’s university being raided and torn down, and the people staying there being subjected to reprehensible police violence such as choking and baton blows to the head. We have had direct reports that students were not being allowed medical assistance and not even food while being arrested for hours, leading to students passing out from low blood sugar. Everyone who finds out about the events say the same thing: “I never thought this would happen in Sweden!”
Well, here we are. With police brutalising people who simply protest a genocide that keeps on getting bloodier by the minute, who hold the people in power accountable for their enabling academic, economic and political relations with the apartheid occupier state of Israel. Everyone who is against the oppression and genocide HAS A MORAL AND HUMAN OBLIGATION TO ACT!! This is not a student movement it is a POPULAR MOVEMENT!!


An open letter initiated by members of staff at SU currently has at least 327 signatures – and still collecting!

The letter with the full list of signatures can also be accessed via the link in our bio.

✊🏽 The struggle continues ✊🏽

After the police raided the camp, we have saved as many things as possible. If you need you stuff back, come and get it at Smålands now (until 20.45)! Some of the things will be thrown out tonight and the rest will be donated at 3pm tomorrow.