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(English below)
På torsdag bjuder lärare i solidaritet med UmU studenter för Palestina in till ett lunchseminarium. Alla är välkomna att ta med sin lunch, och sätta sig med oss!

— english —
On Thursday, teachers in solidarity with our encampment will hold a lunch seminar about academic freedom and Palestine. Everyone is welcome to bring your lunch and listen in!

On the 16th day of the encampment outside the offices of the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, Palestinagård held a press conference to which Swedish media were invited.

As per our statement, we see it as our responsibility as students to ensure that our university adheres to its principles of human rights, freedom of expression, and academic responsibility. It is imperative that Lund University takes responsibility and ends all forms of complicity in Israel’s illegal occupation and ongoing genocide.

We are not the only ones demanding the university to act, we are part of a global movement of students and university staff fighting for the freedom of Palestine.

As there is a huge support among both students and academics that extends far beyond those of us present today, we think it is self-evident that our point of view should be represented in the democratic processes of the university. That this issue has been continuously excluded from these processes represents, in our view, a failure of student democracy.

We urge Lund University to commit to meaningful dialogue and take our demands seriously. It is crucial that the university listens to and addresses our concerns to uphold its commitment to human rights, freedom of expression, and academic responsibility.


Images taken by Victor Pressfeldt

DAG 15🍉
(english below)
Ett gäng studenter bestämde sig för att gå runt campus och påminna UmU om att passivitet under ett folkmord är oacceptabelt!

— english —
DAY 15🍉
A couple of students decided to go around campus to remind UmU that passivity during genocide is unacceptable!

Today, students held a peaceful demonstration at KTH Innovation, where Ebba Busch was holding a conference. The protest remained peaceful until the police escalated the situation, detaining students and using dogs to attack the protesters. While detained, students were kept in the sun and were refused water, even after one of them fainted.

KTH continues to emphasize the safety of its students, so we ask: how does police brutality, with 15 police cars, aggressive dogs, horses, and brutal force by law enforcement on campus, equate to safety for anyone?


#umeå 📍


⚠️🏕️Palestinagården är under hot och risken är stor att polisen kommer att ingripa idag, den 29/5.⚠️

‼️Vi behöver DITT stöd! Åk till Lund för att stå tillsammans med studenterna och försvara vår kära Palestinagård och vår rätt att visa vilken sida av historien vi står på!

🚄Helsingborg: Samling på centralen kl. 16:55 för att ta tåget kl. 17:11. Ankomst till Lund C kl. 17:42.

🚄Landskrona: Samling kl. 17:15 för att ta tåget kl. 17:24 till Helsingborg och vidare till Lund C. Ankomst kl. 17:42.

🚄Malmö: Samling på centralen kl. 17:15 för att ta tåget kl. 17:27. Ankomst till Lund C kl. 17:39.

🚄Hässleholm: Samling på centralen kl. 16:35 för att ta tåget kl. 16.47. Ankomst till Lund C kl. 17:19.

🚄Eslöv: Samling på centralen kl. 17:05 för att ta tåget kl. 17:14. Ankomst till Lund C kl. 17:25.

🚄Kristianstad: Samling på centralen kl. 16:15 för att ta tåget kl. 16:26. Ankomst till Lund C kl. 17:19.

‼️🇵🇸Helsingborg, Landskrona, Malmö Hässleholm, Kristianstad och Eslöv: Samlas och invänta varandra på Lund C och marschera tillsammans till Palestinagården.

Låt oss visa vår styrka och enas i solidaritet! ✌🏼
Kom och stöd våra bröder och systrar – tillsammans är vi starka!

Vem kommer? Dela och Kommentera vilken stad ni ska komma från så flera kan höra av sig till varandra.
Kom och ta med dig alla du kan! vi behöver så många vi kan få tag på


A few pictures from yesterday’s public meeting and Palestinian dinner! Thank you to everyone who joined, listened and gave us some ideas and insight before sharing a delicious meal!

1. The moment when Ebba saw us face to face, and was reminded of the bloody never ending slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.
2. Does not give a single fuck.

Respect Existence or Expect Resistance!

Students and academics in Stockholm, protesting a genocide enabler are the ones being criminalised by the Swedish state. Let that sink in. The socialist Sweden that shows international solidarity, the Sweden that you have heard so much about – is dead. Dancing on its grave in her stiletto heels, is this cold hearted woman, known for trying to oust an old man from his own home. She has shown even less empathy for Swedish Muslims and the Palestinians being slaughtered in Gaza. There is nothing Christian about her values. And she is the one that should be taken to jail.