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After months of silencing and censorship we finally got to reply and make our voice heard! This is just the beginning. The students united will never be defeated! ✊🇵🇸


Från dagens presskonferens i Palestinagård:

Just nu utsätts människorna i Palestina för ett folkmord. Alla 12 universitet i Gaza har bombats, över 90 000 studenter har förlorat sin utbildning, det är ungefär dubbelt så många som vid Lunds universitet. Över 36 000 människor, varav 16 000 barn och 5,500 studenter, har dödats av Israel sedan oktober.

Vi ser det som vårt ansvar som studenter att se till att vårt universitet följer sina principer om mänskliga rättigheter, yttrandefrihet och akademiskt ansvar. Det är nödvändigt att Lunds universitet tar ansvar och avslutar alla former av medverkan i Israels olagliga ockupation och pågående folkmord.

Vi har ställt 3 krav på vårt universitet för att hjälpa dem leva upp till sina egna principer:

1. Göra ett uttalande i solidaritet med Palestina som erkänner akademins ansvar

2. Offentliggöra och avsluta alla institutionella och finansiella samarbeten med israeliska institutioner och företag som är delaktiga i den olagliga israeliska ockupationen

3. Åta sig att ekonomiskt, politiskt och akademiskt stödja palestinska utbildningssystem, studenter, forskare och lärare.

Vi hoppas att Lunds universitet tar dessa krav på största allvar och inleder en meningsfull och seriös dialog med oss.

Bilder tagna av Johanna Nilsson (Lundagård.se)


A heartfelt and powerful statement by Ukrainian LU staff in solidarity with Palestine. It was read out today by a Palestinian student at the press conference in Palestinagård.

“Now that not a single university is left standing in Gaza, when thousands of students and hundreds of staff, including vice chancellors, deans, professors, were slaughtered, Lund University is silent. Not only is it silent – it continues collaborations with Israeli universities, known to aid and abet occupation, apartheid and now genocide.”

“To this, as a member of staff and as a Ukrainian academic, I say: “not in my name”. I stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, with my Palestinian colleagues and students, and with the brave students who stand here demanding our University to do better. From Ukraine to Palestine, occupation is a crime!”

Thank you for this beautiful and powerful statement.
We urge Lund University @lunduniversity to listen to its students and staff and engage in meaningful dialogue with us.

Day 16 of the encampment: A day where the police showed their true colours! Seizing students protesting a genocide at our neighbouring KTH encampment.

This is a clear escalation from the police: showing a clearly aggressive behaviour, arresting two of the protesters and bringing ten police cars, cavalry police and dogs – which they lost control over.

But our message is clear – we will not stop, we will not rest until our universities cut all ties with the Israeli institutions. End your complicity in the genocide!

Can’t join the camp or be here in person hur still want to help out? Then email and call the administration of Lunds University and tell them why it’s important that they agree to meet our demands. Do it as many times as you can!

If we work together we can achieve a lot! Templates and contact information is in our linktree!

#palestinagård #freepalesti̇ne

Sign the petition in support of encampments, show your solidarity to them in standing up for human rights!



🎙️ Voices from the Lund University student encampment for Palestine on the Hey Changemaker! Podcast

Students across western nations are taking to the streets and to their universities to demand them to end their complicity in the crimes of Israel and the ongoing genocide.

The student movement is making noise and creating waves of change.

Students are risking their degrees, their scholarships, their privileges, their safety and futures for all the students in Gaza that have nowhere to go.

The student movement is an important one. It is showing us the truth of the reality we live in – and the complicity of governments and institutions that are meant to uphold free speech, education and human rights.

➡️ comment CHANGEMAKER for the link to the full episode.

🎧 Listen to the whole episode wherever you get your podcasts or on girlsglobe.org (link in bio @girlsglobe)

#students4palestine #studentencampments #CeasefireNow

Camp Palestinagård in Lund stands in solidarity with KTH encampment! ✊🇵🇸

THIS is how the Swedish state and police approach STUDENTS protesting a GENOCIDE. SHAME!