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Daily schedule! Show up to our special walkout in Stora Torget and come to our public meeting, and get some food after!

Palestinagård is under threat!

That the University administration found it more suitable to get their students dragged out by the police than to commit to scheduling the next meeting by a reasonable point in time shows the utter lack of good faith in conducting any conversations with their own students.

The university is doing all they can to censor their own students and is now using the police to remove the student encampment at all costs.

According to the police the students will be removed by any means necessary including violence sometime during the 28th or the 29th of May.

We are calling on all community members to come show support in the coming days to hinder the use of even more police violence! ✊🍉


Efter vårt senaste mailsvar till universitetsledningen den 20:onde maj har de slutat svara oss. Istället publicerar rektor Hans Adolfsson detta blogginlägg på Umeå Universitets hemsida. Vi menar att universitetsledningen visst gjort uttalanden, hissat flagg, erbjudit studenter och anställda stöd och sett över fonder utan regeringens iblandning för Ukraina – sveket och hyckleriet är enormt. Lagen om offentlig upphandling omfattar inte alla de krav vi ställt på universitetet, men det är det enda de har att hålla fasta vid. Visa din solidaritet med studenter och universitetsanställda som står upp för P ale stina! Din röst och närvaro gör skillnad!

DAG 13🍉
(english below)
Ikväll tog vi till gatorna för att fortsätta visa vårt stöd för Palestina. Alla ögon mot Rafah! Eldupphör nu!

— english —
DAY 13🍉
Tonight we took to the streets to continue show our support for Palestine. All eyes on Rafah! Ceasefire now!


new banner alert 💙


Welcome to a gathering and meeting!

This is for everyone who’s active in MSFP, would like to be or simply just wants to say “hi” to our fellow student friends at Palestinagård! ❤️‍🔥

Join us for great discussions and new acquaintances. Some of us are already camping in Lund. ⛺️

We would like for this to be an evening where we could hang out, meet each other & plan ahead. ✊🏽

The students united will never be defeated! 🔻

On the thirteenth day of the encampment at Lund University, a demonstration took place in the streets of Lund and with the loudest voices, everyone shouted that all students have the right to life, education and freedom, and that Palestine is free from the sea to the river, and also emphasized the necessity of boycotting Israeli companies that support genocide.


The students all united from Palestinagården out on a demonstration for a free Palestine and to get their demands met!

Two weeks into our protest targeting the administration of Stockholm University, we woke up to some inspired redecorations, courtesy of unknown.
With the atrocious genocide raging on with ever heightening intensity, we welcomed SU students and faculty members to a new school week by reminding them of the slaughter of their fellow human beings with a “die in” awaiting them at the metro.