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As a reaction to the horrific images we have seen today, we decided to move tomorrow’s walkout at Stora Torget for major visibility. We can’t stay silent while witnessing the horrific murders that Israel is committing.

Israeli occupation forces have conducted one of their most brutal and devastating massacres in Gaza, bombing a tent camp housing displaced people in a designated ‘safe zone’ in Rafah, killing over 45 Palestinians. Atrocities are happening just 24 hours after the International Court of Justice has summoned Israel to stop its military operations in Rafah.

We must say this out loud, tell it to everyone, and raise our voices against perpetrators of genocide and all its supporters.

Silence is complicity!
Inaction is complicity!

SHOW YOUR OUTRAGE over president Astrid Söderbergh Widding’s refusal to even consider our demands.

Astrid’s loud silence on Stockholm University’s partner’s complicity in the ongoing genocide, apartheid, and occupation is even more astounding in light of Israel’s brutal massacre in Rafah last night.

According to Autonomireformen (the autonomy reform) from 2011, it is our university’s stated obligation to serve as “an independent and critically reflecting force in the development of society”. Astrid, however, would rather protect central agents of the Zionist regime by repeatedly making excuses, stalling and lying.

Join us for the usual Tuesday walkout tomorrow at 13.30 outside of the A-house.

KTH ENTRÈ, 11.45!


Till alla Palestinavänner, fortsätt med det ni gör. Ert mod och outtröttliga kamp för palestiniers frihet ger mig hopp. Vi är tillsammans för ett fritt Palestina ❤️‍🩹

Why are we here and why are we doing this?

Welcome to our encampment and get to know more about us! 🍉

Join us at KTH Campus, Borggården, Stockholm! 🇵🇸

DAG 12🍉
(english below)
Kampen fortsätter!
Kom och sitt med oss under veckan! Plugga, ät lunch, och njut av solen. Vi har alla några sista tentor och inlämningar kvar, men vi kan göra dem samtidigt som vi kräver ett stopp på folkmordet🫶

— english —
DAY 12🍉
The fight continues!
Come and sit with us this week! Study, have lunch and enjoy the sun. We all have the last exams and assignment left, but we can do them and simultaneously demand an end to the genocide🫶

(english below)
STUDENTER OCH LÄRARE – på tisdag samlas vi för en walkout i solidaritet med Palestina, för att visa UmUs ledning att vi kommer fortsätta kräva akademisk bojkott.📣

STUDENTS AND TEACHERS – on Tuesday we will gather on a walkout in solitary with Palestine. We meet 12.00 at the fountain outside Universum.
We will keep demanding an academic boycott and show the university administration that we will not give up📣

That the University administration found it more suitable to call the police than to commit to scheduling the next meeting by a reasonable point in time shows the utter lack of good faith in conducting any conversations with its own students.
