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STUDENTS AND NON-STUDENTS ALIKE – Join us in a walk out tomorrow Friday May 24, to show the administration of Stockholm University what we think of their hypocritical response to our demands of academic boycot – something they have proved highly capable of just two years ago, in regards to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. WHY DOESN’T CHANCELLOR ASTRID WIDDING THINK PALESTINIAN LIVES MATTER JUST AS MUCH?

Studenter avbryter Lunds universitets studentsamverkansmöte, där kommunstyrelsens arbetsutskott och representanter från Lunds universitets studentkår, Kuratorskollegiet och Akademiska Föreningen deltog.

Studenternas krav:

”Today you are all meeting here, heads of student life in Lund and politicians. Today also marks our 8th day of our encampment at Palestinagården, and 8th month of trying to have a dialogue with the administration about the university’s ties with the genocide of the Palestinian people.

All this time we have tried everything to be heard. We have asked nicely, demonstrated, disrupted, encamped: all because we want our institution to stop its silence, to stand up for human rights, and to defend the right to life of the Palestinian people. While you are meeting here, Israel is slaughtering innocent children, women, and men. At the same time, this university refuses to disclose, let alone end, all collaborations it has with institutions and companies actively involved in committing these crimes against humanity.

We no longer accept our institution’s silence. We no longer accept being part of the Western complicity in the genocide of the Palestinian people. We cannot accept you having a meeting about student life in Lund without speaking about all the Palestinian students in Gaza, the West Bank, and here in Lund who are waking up every day to new horrors committed upon them with the support of this very institution.

Hear us now. This is a call to all of your consciences. Show your solidarity, make public statements, let our voices be heard.

LU, Vakna!!”

@palestinamalmostudent @lundstudentsforpalestine

Universitetetsledningen ringde precis polisen när två representanter från Palestinagård i Lund, under avtalat möte, vägrade lämna Kungshuset tills det att LU-ledningen gått med på ytterligare ett möte. Två studenter våldsamt nedsläpade för trapporna av polisen.

— Victor Pressfeldt (@vpressfeldt) May 23, 2024

Today the people marched into a confrence room in Lunds university were student representatives were meeting with politicians. They let them know that we see their dubble standards and hypocracy Long live the student movement 🔻

Studenter uppmärksammar folkmordet i Gaza i samband med ett möte om student samverkan i Lunds universitet där både kommunens politiker och student representanter medverkar


Uppsala student encampment at Engelska parken.

It’s been over one week with encampments all over Sweden in support of 🇵🇸, with the aim of pressuring universities to speak up, divest from genocide and end all academic collaborations with the occupation.

I urge you to look up your nearest encampment and how to support them!

Våran vecka 21❤️🇵🇸

(english below)

Idag har vi förberett inför morgondagens lunch med lärare på campus.
❤️Alla – studenter, lärare och anställda – är välkomna att äta lunch i vårt encampment imorgon för att visa solidaritet!
Ta med matlåda, vi bjuder på kaffe och fika! ☕️

— english —
DAY 8🍉
Today, we have prepared for tomorrows lunch with the teachers at campus.
❤️Everyone – both students, teachers and other employees at the university – are welcome to eat lunch in our encampment tomorrow to show solidarity.
Bring your own lunch box, and we’ll provide coffee and a snack!☕️


What a day!!

New banner!! 💝 A little community garden in the shape of Palestine!! 👨‍🌾 Demo! 📢 Art students at our encampment!!❤️‍🔥 Lovely and moving poetry reading!! 📖💘 Makloubeh! 🍽️❣️Movie night! 🎬🍿

Thank you to the people that made us dinner and donated lunch! And thank you to some of the authors of the poetry collection ”En viktlös skärva tid i Gaza” that came to read their heartbreakingly beautiful poems for us. Find the collection of poems in our liberatory library, alongside other books aswell! Great seeing so many art students at the encampment! You are all, always welcome!!!


🇵🇸 Today we met the participants of Vårruset Marathon with some chants for Palestine.

Our community is strong and growing, it’s beautiful and it’s united for a liberated Palestine! 🍉

We are ending the evening with stories and discussions surrounded by love and fire to further ignite our flaming passion to liberate Palestine. ✊