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Sedan en vecka tillbaka har studenter i Lund tältat på Palestinagård utanför Lunds universitets rektorsexpedition i protest mot universitetets tystnad om Israels pågående folkmord av Palestinier i Gaza.

Vi står i full solidaritet med studenterna i Lund som utövar sina demokratiska rättigheter att protestera. Vi beundrar deras mod och engagemang i att stå upp för det palestinska folket och studenterna i Gaza. Deras röster är viktiga och vi uppmanar Lunds universitet (@lundsuniversitet) att lyssna på dem och acceptera deras krav för en mer rättvis och inkluderande framtid. Alla har rätt till liv, frihet och utbildning.

Ni är Sveriges och Europas lysande förebilder ♥️ @lundstudentsforpalestine

#lund #palestinagård #studentprotest


1 week of the Free University of Gaza – Campus Uppsala and our community has grown and learned so much!

Over the past week, we continued to loudly advocate for Palestinian freedom! Our walk-outs and walk-ins across campuses have made the administration overreact, but they keep neglecting the real issue – the ongoing genocide in Gaza, including the impact it has on students, scholars, and universities.

We disrupted the spring concert with a die-in believing that our community cannot keep going as usual while our institution is complicit in the horrors we are witnessing.

We will continue advocating for Uppsala University to cut ties with complicit Israeli institutions and support students and scholars in Gaza!
Uppsala University needs to say no to genocide!

Välkommen till PALESTINA DAMMEN⛺️🇵🇸✌🏼

ENCAMPMENT SU DAY 8: A day of efficient meetings, an ever growing encampment, and a powerful walkout bordering on a war cry, that took us all the way around the Frescati campus area. We had a meeting with the chancellor and her henchmen, where they communicated their abhorrent yet predictable stance on their own responsibility in regard to the ongoing GENOCIDE of the Palestinian people. However we will not stop, we will not rest – until the SU administration meets our demands.


Another WALK IN tomorrow! Let’s meet at the encampment and visit some more campuses! See you there 🍉

Umeå universitet avsäger sig eget ansvar och mandat att agera, på motsvarande sätt som de agerat tidigare. Solidaritet och mänskliga rättigheter ska gälla för alla, även inom den akademiska världen! 📚🏫🎓Samtliga universitet i Gaza har attackerats, med otaliga civila dödsfall som följd och däribland många lärare, forskare och studenter. Alla former av studier i Gaza har tvingats sättas på paus sedan snart åtta månader.

Vill Umeå universitet stå på rätt sida av historien och uppvisa god moral eller riskera senfärdighet?

Lund Students need your support! Please share or repost this image to show your solidarity with basic human rights, freedom of speech, the right to protest and this encampment. ✊🍉


As the university shuts its doors on its students and staff, we are receiving more support than ever!

We walked in at several campuses today, raising our voices in solidarity with Gaza! Since then, we received information that the diferrent campuses are limiting the doors to card access only. They seem to forget that it is us, members of the Uppsala University community, who are calling out the complicity of our institution.

They can’t keep us out, they can’t silence us!

We refuse to stay silent.

Join us at our usual walk-outs at SU, today at 13:30 outside the entrance to the A building 🇵🇸🍉🔥