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ENCAMPMENT SU’S COMMUNITY GUIDELINES: You are welcome to join us, and we ask you to respect and adhere to these agreed upon community guidelines. These are put in place to assure the safety, democracy and efficiency of the group and its members. Repeated offenses could be grounds for a dismissal from the community.


No business as usual when genocide is going on!
As the Uppsala University community gathered for the spring concert, we drew attention to the genocide in Gaza and its impact on students, and scholars.
According to the UN, “After six months of military assault, more than 5,479 students, 261 teachers, and 95 university professors have been killed in Gaza, and over 7,819 students and 756 teachers have been injured – with numbers growing each day.

It has been one month since this UN report and while this genocide is still ongoing, Uppsala University continues to collaborate with Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israeli universities that actively support and enable this genocide. They endorse the IOF’s war crimes, they develop military strategy and technological expertise, and they train and financially support members of the IOF.

We have made our university aware of these ties, we have made our university aware of their complicity and still they refuse to disclose their collaborations and investments in complicit Israeli institutions. They have refused to cut ties with these complicit Israeli institutions. They have refused to extend support to Palestinian academics and students.

Uppsala University – wake up. The people you so proudly claim to protect are being killed in the hundreds. You proved your commitment to human rights and academia when Russia invaded Ukraine. But where are you now?

Idag och varje dag—> INTIFADA globalisera✊🏽

Studenterna kör spontan demonstration 🇵🇸

At the top of the list of our needs/wishes is always you! Your time and company. Come talk to us, paint a banner and eat with us🍉

Högst upp på listan över vad vi önskar och behöver är alltid du! Din tid och närvaro. Kom prata med oss, måla en banderoll och ät med oss🍉


Day 6! Come join us in the Free University of Gaza – Campus Uppsala for a day full of community and solidarity 🍉


Day 5 at the Free University of Gaza – Campus Uppsala: Today we presented our demands at the weekly demonstration organized by @palestinska_folketsforening. We once again urged @uppsalauniversity to do its duty to protect academia in Palestine and cease its complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

At camp, we held a workshop on the art of embroidery, an important practice within Palestinian culture. We will keep cultivating a just and free space for learning and sharing knowledge, until our university takes on this role once again.


What a day of massive support! From the loud voices to the dear people who cooked us the most lovely dinner, thank you 💚

JOIN the book club through the email address (payberah@kth.se) or the link in our bio!


• We gathered to sing ”We Shall Not Be Moved,” a song that rose to prominence as a protest and union anthem during the Civil Rights Movement.

• An incredible team of cherished Palestinian friends prepared the renowned Palestinian dish Makloube for us.

Your support is our strength. We are deeply grateful. Our cause is just, and we shall not be moved! 🇵🇸🍉✊